Other Traditions

Plans for Cao Dai Church Approved in California

June 16, 2000

Source: Los Angeles Times

On June 16, 2000, the Los Angeles Times reported that city council members from Garden Grove, California have approved plans for the state's first Cao Dai church, despite the protest of residents who feel that the new religious facility will be a detriment to their neighborhood. Cao Dai, a faith begun in Vietnam in the 1920's that combines aspects of Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Judaism and Taoism, has approximately 200 followers in Orange County, CA and commands about 5 million followers worldwide. The new facility...

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Houston's First Cao Dai Temple

October 5, 1998

Source: The Houston Chronicle

On October 5, 1998, The Houston Chronicle published an article announcing the grand opening of Houston's first Cao Dai temple. Cao Dai, a combination of Buddhism, Catholicism, and ancestor worship, is the third most popular religion in Vietnam and has approximately 1,000 adherents in the Houston area.
