About the FSAN

The Faculty Support Administrators’ Network (FSAN) is a self-run affinity and working group comprising 10 professionals representing 7 Harvard Schools, managing nearly 300 faculty support professionals, and providing faculty support to over 1,100 faculty members across the University. The FSAN was formed in 2006 to support the educational mission of Harvard while meeting two primary goals:

  • To create for managers a cross-tub community focused on development of best practices, exchange of ideas, opportunities for skill expansion and professional development, and support from colleagues with common challenges and goals;
  • To develop for faculty support professionals a series of opportunities to learn and develop a variety of applicable administrative and interpersonal skills in the service of adding knowledge, building efficiency, improving performance, developing community, and increasing satisfaction and engagement.

In 2016-17, the FSAN received a Presidents Administrative Innovation Fund grant to support our ambitious initiatives.