Temple B’nai Jehudah

Information about this center is no longer updated. This data was last updated on 4 December 2012.

Phone: 913-663-4050
Email: info@bnaijehudah.org
Website: http://www.bnaijehudah.org
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The Temple, Congregation B’nai Jehudah is the oldest and largest Jewish congregation in the Kansas City metropolitan area. Founded in 1870 by 25 pioneer families with only $800, it has been a Reform congregation from the start. According to the website, membership currently numbers approximately 1,566 families. The congregation's affiliations include the Union of American Hebrew Congregations; the rabbinical seminary, Hebrew Union College; and the World Union for Progressive Judaism. The name B’nai Jehudah means “Children of Judah.” The congregation’s small first temple was replaced ten years after it was built, in 1885, by a larger one to hold their growing numbers. In 1908, the congregation built an impressive new building. Temple membership grew dramatically shortly after World War II, relocating the temple farther south. The congregation's large size allows members to enjoy a wide range of programming.


The congregation's web site lists seven congregational values: 1. Excellence in performance. 2. Openness, forthrightness, and honesty in our communications. 3. Excellence in the quality of programs delivered to members. 4. Serving the needs of our members within sound financial parameters. 5. Respectful and caring interaction among members and between members and staff in all efforts. 6. Creating an environment that attracts and retains highly qualified, dedicated staff and volunteers and encourages them to grow, develop and succeed. 7. Adaptability and flexibility in providing appropriate service levels and care needed by the members of the Congregation. The learning center of the temple was built to encourage socialization and flexibility for future growth or decline in numbers. It was built with a large amount of glass and color, giving a warm, welcoming feeling for worship and learning. The learning center uses traditional Jewish symbols and designs.

Activities and Schedule

Please consult the web site, www.bnaijehudah.org/learning_center.php