Richmond Vipassana Group

Information about this center is no longer updated. This data was last updated on 24 August 2004.

Phone: 804-359-2919
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The Richmond Vipassana Group meets in the home of a member of the Chrysalis Group, a local New Age and spirituality gathering place. In 2001, after members of Chrysalis received instruction on Vipassana meditation, several began sitting weekly at the home of Cecelia Lewis. The group has grown slowly ever since then.

Activities and Schedule

Gatherings are held at 5:15 p.m. every Tuesday. Members begin by briefly dedicating their practice ("to peace," "to good moods," etc.), and then a bell is rung to begin 45 minutes of silent seated meditation. Participants sit on furniture in the living room or sometimes on cushions on the floor. The gathering ends at 6:00 p.m. when the meditation is finished, but sometimes a few people will stick around to chat.


All of the members of the Richmond Vipassana Group are European-American women. Most are over forty years old.