Magical Coyote Coven

Information about this center is no longer updated. This data was last updated on 17 March 2016.

Phone: 208-882-3616
History Most practitioners of Wicca in the region were not public about their beliefs or rituals until around the year 1980 when many practitioners became more open about their tradition and a small group of solitary practitioners created the Magical Coyote Cooperative. The Cooperative continued to expand as connections were with other solitary practitioners. Although the Magical Coyote Cooperative is primarily Wicca, there are also many other religions honored within the group. The Cooperative borrows elements of other faiths to help them connect with the divine in rituals and meditations. The group stresses its dualistic nature, worshipping the male gods and female goddesses in equal measure. Challenges and Discrimination Moscow, Idaho, where the Magical Coyote meets, is known throughout Idaho for its liberalism, and consequently, the group has not received much discrimination. Some rituals are “by invitation"; there are two completely “open” circles hosted each year when anyone who is “Pagan Friendly” may attend. Members of the group are also happy to speak with anyone who would like to know more about Wicca. Demographics The Magical Coyote Cooperative includes families with young children, elders, adults and college students (from the University of Idaho and Washington State University). Members live in the Palouse Empire (a region which includes Moscow, Idaho and Pullman, Washington) along with several other small communities within a 50 mile radius. Individuals must be 18 years of age or older, or accompanied by an adult, to attend prayer circles. The majority of the members are Caucasian and rituals and conversations are conducted in English. Activities and Schedule Each year the Magical Coyote Cooperative has four major open circles and four major closed circles. One teaching circle is held monthly and is open by invitation only. The Cooperative celebrates major Wicca holidays such as the Winter and Summer Solstices, the Fall and Spring Equinoxes, as well as Samhain (Halloween), Imbolc in February, and Beltane in May. The Coven is also able to provide handfastings (weddings) as the High Priestess is an ordained minister. The Cooperative doe not have a regular weekly meeting time, but rather is able to finds times that work for everyone in the small group. With each circle, the high priest or high priestess will change. Description When weather permits, The Magical Coyote Coven meets at an outdoor prayer circle that has been constructed on the property of a Coven member. During the winter, when weather is unsuitable for an outdoor circle (or when the group is too large for a private circle), the Coven meets in the Unitarian Universal Church in Moscow, Idaho. The Unitarian Universal Church has been helpful for the expansion of the Coven and allowing Wiccans to feel comfortable “coming out of the broom closet”, as they often organize interfaith events for the community and are welcoming to all religions.