Muslims in Glasgow Experience Continued Discrimination Post 9/11

December 16, 2005

Source: The Muslim News

On December 16, 2005 The Muslim News reported, "A study to help to an incoming Inter Faith Liaison Officer in Glasgow City Council has revealed that the city’s Muslim community 'is perceived, by all faith groups surveyed, to be the group most under pressure' post September 11, 2001. The study commissioned by the Executive and Glasgow City Council showed, 'People wearing religious dress or symbols are a particular target.' The report released on November 14, and titled Faith Communities and Local Government in Glasgow: 2005 predicted the city faces a 'destructive and unstable' future unless all religious groups work harder to ease tensions. It called for action to tackle religious intolerance alongside existing initiatives fighting racism and sectarianism. 'The attack on the World Trade Centre marked a turning point from predominantly racial intolerance and abuse towards more religiously motivated attacks.' The research continued, 'Faith groups, especially the Muslim, Sikh and Hindu focus groups reported that the situation in the city had deteriorated sharply since the terrorist attack on the World Trade Centre in 2001. One participant who has lived in the city for many years said "9/11 shook Glasgow" (Muslim man).'"