"Women in Religion" Conference Addresses Religious Tolerance and Women's Rights

March 28, 2002

Source: The Christian Science Monitor


On March 28, 2002, The Christian Science Monitor featured the article "Rethinking Religious Tolerance." The article reported that "in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks,... many a public forum has emphasized that world peace may hinge on growing acceptance of religious traditions that once seemed threatening or just unfamiliar... Yet for those committed to universal human rights, religious tolerance [can] pose a problem if it can be used to justify the unjustifiable... Attitudes toward women are a key place for this conflict to come into play... At the "Women in Religion" conference... earlier this winter at Middlebury [VT],... scholars agreed women should be men's equals in religious life and spoke of the importance of religious tolerance, [but] the question of how to do both in a world where many religions regard men and women differently remained unresolved."

See also: September 11