Whitehall Defending Manger Once Again

December 19, 2008

Author: Elizabeth Gibson

Source: The Columbus Dispatch


It's becoming a holiday tradition -- secular activists again have asked Whitehall's mayor to scoot baby Jesus off government property.

The Freedom from Religion Foundation, an association of atheists and agnostics, sent the mayor a letter that called the Nativity scene in front of the city's municipal building unconstitutional.

"The Nativity stands alone, right at the front entrance, and that's a problem," said Rebecca Kratz, the staff attorney who wrote the letter for the Wisconsin-based foundation. "You can't get into the building without noticing this symbol of religion."

Reynoldsburg packed up its manger in 2006 to avoid a hassle when the mayor was told he'd have to open up the city lawn to all forms of holiday expression.

Mount Vernon also briefly removed its Nativity this year before a flood of complaints reversed the decision, and Gov. Ted Strickland, an ordained Methodist minister, put creches back into two state parks last year.

Mayor John Wolfe said he has never heard a Whitehall resident complain about the display and has no intention of moving it.