Westerm Tibetologist Amasses Huge Collection of Tibetan Buddhist Writings

August 20, 2001

Source: The Boston Globe

On August 20, 2001, The Boston Globe reported that "over four decades as an itinerant archivist with a passion for preservation, a Mormon convert to Buddhism named E. Gene Smith has amassed a rare collection of the endangered Tibetan Buddhist canon: some original writings of Buddha, early commentaries by Indian Buddhists, and the writings of Tibetan Buddhist sages over the last 12 centuries. 'This is the best library of Tibetan works in the country,'" according to the soon-to-be chair of Buddhist studies at Harvard University, Janet Gyatso. "Now, Smith is hoping to scan the thousands of volumes onto the Internet before he dies." The website for Smith's Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center is www.tbrc.org."