Voices of African American Muslims After September 11

January 30, 2002

Source: The Los Angeles Times


On January 30, 2002, The Los Angeles Times featured the story "One Faith, Two Minds; Feeling snubbed by Muslim immigrants who are defining the faith for the U.S. public, African American Muslims are calling attention to the way they, too, practice their beliefs." The article reported, "the increasing attention on Muslims in America has left many African American Muslims feeling marginalized. ... 'Those who are making the most noise right now aren't speaking for all Muslims... When it comes to how Islam is actually practiced here, we African American Muslims know more about it than anyone,'" says Abdul Karim Hasan, director of L.A.'s Bilal Center. The article continued, "'African Americans prove that Islam is not antithetical to democracy or to America,' says Imam Faheem Shuaibe, director of the predominantly African American Masjidul Waritheen ... He says Sept. 11 'put the conversation on the table' for all American Muslims. His side of the conversation comes down to this: 'When you're presenting a message about Islam in America, don't exclude me. African American Muslims have led the way at integrating Muslims into American society.'"