Transcendental Meditation Program Won't Change Vedic City Tax Status

October 24, 2003

Source: The Fairfield Ledger 

On October 24, 2003 The Fairfield Ledger reported  that "Vedic City officials say even if the city's population increases with the addition of pandits practicing the Transcendental Meditation program, the increase shouldn't have a negative effect on any other projects being funded by Jefferson County's local option sales tax. Jefferson County supervisors asked during their weekly meeting Monday morning whether an influx of people to Vedic City, along with a re-certified census making the increased population official, would result in the city getting a large enough share of the local option sales tax money collected in the county to cut dramatically into the City of Fairfield's share. They also criticized Vedic City for not dedicating part of its local option sales tax proceeds to pay for the Jefferson County Law Center."