Southern Baptists Target Hindus in Conversion Efforts

October 23, 1999

Source: The Atlanta Journal and Constitution

On October 23, 1999, The Atlanta Journal and Constitution reported that on Monday, October 25th, the SBC is publishing its latest prayer guide on Hinduism and how Baptists should pray for the conversion of Hindus to Christianity. Subash Razdan, who chairs the board of trustees for the National Federation of India-American Associations, stated: "What are they trying to do, start a holy war?...You can make Christianity look good, but don't make any other religion look bad." Paul Courtright, an expert on Hinduism and director of Asian Studies at Emory University, rejects the claim in the new handbook that "Hindus do not have a concept of sin or of personal responsibility." Courtright stated: "In a's equal opportunity misrepresentation of all forms of non-Christian traditions." The new Baptist handbook suggests that Christians should pray for Hindus so "the power of Satan will be broken." Access Atlanta has provided an Internet forum for people to speak out on whether the Southern Baptists have gone too far.