Shrine Erected for Our Lady of Guadalupe

September 17, 2000

Source: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

On September 17, 2000, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported that 500 people recently gathered at a Milwaukee street corner to "dedicate a shrine to the Virgin of Guadalupe, the patron saint of Mexico... With a Catholic Mass, mariachi music and cries of 'Viva!', the 5- foot-4-inch statue created by Mexican muralist and sculptor Alejandro Romero was unveiled in the grotto surrounded by rocks, roses, chrysanthemums and greenery that now dominate the street corner. Weighing 1 1/2 tons, the statue is made of reinforced concrete, and took more than a year to make."

"She moves our hearts because as Mexicans she's ours. We owe her many favors, or milagros. It will give me great peace to have her so close," said one woman who joined in the march.