Seminary Offers Doctorate for Ministry in a Multi-faith Context

March 21, 2006

Source: New York Theological Seminary

On March 21, 2006 New York Theological Seminary reported, "New York Theological Seminary is partnering with Auburn Theological Seminary to launch a new Multifaith Doctor of Ministry in the fall of 2006 for professionals who serve across religious boundaries. 'The time to think beyond the traditional categories of seminary education has come,' says Dr. Dale T. Irvin, Acting President and Professor of World Christianity at New York Theological Seminary. 'We do a great job in training ministers to work in their home communities, but we need more options for training them for public leadership. This requires a sensitivity and knowledge of religious differences, especially at a time when the boundaries between church and state are being fiercely debated.' The director of Auburn’s Center for Multifaith Education, Rabbi Daniel S. Brenner has been envisioning such a program for several years. 'Hospital, college, prison, and military chaplains are seeing America’s new religious diversity first hand. It is time for a professional degree for all those who serve social and spiritual needs across boundaries.' Joining the program as a senior advisor will be Paul Knitter, Professor Emeritus of Theology at Xavier University. Author of Theologies of Religions, One Earth - Many Religions: Multifaith Dialogue and Global Responsibility, and numerous articles, Knitter is a world-renowned expert in inter-religious relations."