Religious Leaders in Denver Voice Complaints on Relationship with Medical Personnel

June 26, 1999

Source: The Denver Post

On June 26, 1999, The Denver Post published an article on the complaints levied against medical personnel by the Denver Area Interfaith Clergy Conference at the Colorado Collective for Medical Decisions for mistreating clergy when they visit parishioners in the hospital. Rev. Paul Kottke, pastor of University Park United Methodist Church, stated: "I see a lot of discomfort among hospital staff if I pray with a patient." He further stated that there seems to be "a suspicion I will get in the way or that I'll do something religiously that is inappropriate." The Interfaith Conference also cited negative treatment of gays in hospitals, abuse of patients in nursing homes, and the ignorance of doctors to alternative treatments as problems needing to be rectified.

See also: Interfaith, Health