Religious Diversity in Andover MA Includes Interfaith Outreach and Education

July 29, 2004

Source: Andover Townsman News

On July 29, 2004 Andover Townsman News reported, "thanks to hipper, edgier programs, expanded facilities and increased variety of congregations, in many cases, Andover's houses of worship are by no means your parents' houses of worship. In addition, while there is a greater variety of ways to worship, the interest in religion in Andover appears to be growing. There are about two dozen houses of worship in Andover today, with more congregations talking about moving here next year. Over the past decade, 10 existing congregations have sought Planning Board approval to physically expand their religious facilities... Andover has a cross section of denominations, and now many of these congregations each offer a variety of programs to interest a cross section of the public... When Hindu Chinmaya Mission was built in 2003, members said it was essential that its facility include classrooms for religious education - and it offers classes to the public on subjects such as yoga. Free Christian, South, West Parish, Christ and Andover Baptist churches pull together each year to offer a week long vacation bible school program to the community. This year, they offered it at night, too, to meet growing demand. "