Profile of the Pagan Church of the Sacred Pentacle

July 16, 2005

Source: Rochester Democrat and Chronicle

On July 16, 2005 the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle reported that a Croning ceremony was held at the Pagan Church of the Sacred Pentacle in Bloomfield. "The ceremony for Shanna Schoenfeldt marked what the Pagans call the crone stage of life. It was a celebration of the wisdom that comes from living. The church itself is maturing and growing under the tutelage of [Heidi] Gleber and Shelly O'Brien, who both have the title of high priestess. The group started meeting in November 2003 with a handful of people, many just starting to learn about Paganism. As interest grew, the church offered weekly Sabbath services for Pagans, a rarity in the area. Now roughly two dozen people attend services, contribute to the Pagan Food Cupboard and help provide moon school for seven or eight children twice a month."