Post Office Stamps Recognize Religious Diversity of America

August 8, 2002

Source: The Times of India

On August 8, 2002, The Times of India reported in their West edition that U.S. "Congressman Gary Ackerman has joined the campaign for the issuance of a US postage stamp to commemorate Diwali... 'For Hindus, the holiday of Diwali is comparable in magnitude to Christmas for Christians,' Ackerman said in a letter to Dr. Virginia Noelke, chairperson of the US Citizens Stamp Advisory Commission... In total, about 2.2-2.5 million people in the United States celebrate Diwali each year, observed at the end of October or the beginning of November... Ackerman urged that the stamp be introduced along with other holiday stamps that are to be issued later this year. The congressman made the request after the idea was first suggested by the New York-based Federation of Indian Associations."