Photo Exhibit Highlights Scotland's Religious Leaders

September 14, 2004

Source: The Scotsman

On September 14, 2004 The Scotsman reported, "Each of the men and women captured on film by [photographer Luke] Watson is a prominent member of a different faith community in Scotland. They make up a rich panorama of traditions, and will be displayed as part of the Keeping Faith exhibition, which opens on Friday at the Scottish National Portrait Gallery. Archbishop Brian Smith, of the Scottish Episcopal Church, stands with his crozier in the splendour of St Mary’s Cathedral; Muslim leader Hafiz Abdul Ghafor is barefoot among prayer mats; Major Robert MacIntyre, of the Salvation Army, seems to stand to attention, while schoolteacher and B’hai chairman Allan Forsyth looks as though he might be about to address a class. Some were photographed in their places of worship, others at home. Some of the faiths portrayed are rich in iconography. Others take pride in having almost none... 'Basically, I was very interested in finding out about different religions,' says Watson. 'My main interest is to use photography as an investigative thing, to find out things for myself and hopefully reveal a few things for others as well. I’m not religious myself and I had no real agenda, I just wanted to represent different faiths and find out a bit about them.'"