Pastor to Introduce Bush

July 31, 2000

Source: The Houston Chronicle

On July 31, 2000, The Houston Chronicle reported that an influential Houston black pastor, Rev. Kirbyjon Caldwell, was recently asked to make what is "among the most high-profile appearances on the [Republican] convention podium: introducing Texas Gov. George W. Bush to accept the GOP presidential nomination Thursday night. 'When they called back and said the governor wanted me to introduce him the night he accepts the nomination, I almost dropped the phone,' Caldwell said. 'In fact, I did.'" While Caldwell has what he describes as a "resonant" relationship with Bush, as pastor to a "predominantly African-American congregation of 14,000 and growing, the decision to make his national convention debut on behalf of the Republican presidential nominee was a move he said he prayed over. Although closely aligned over the years with Democratic causes and candidates, the high-profile former stockbroker said he is politically independent. 'In 18 years I have never publicly supported a person running for office, so this is a major move for me.' Caldwell met Bush five years ago at a reception in downtown Houston after Bush had read a newspaper article about the faith-based community programs with which Caldwell was involved. Various local organizations launched by Caldwell and his southwest Houston church provide housing, job training, counseling, outreach and other services to low- and middle-income residents."