Muslims Campaign for Arab- American Congressional Candidate in CA

February 24, 2004

Source: Pakistan Link

On February 24, 2004 Pakistan Link reported that a dinner event in Newark recognized Eid while fundraising for Muslim-American Maad Abu Ghazalah who is running for U.S. Congress from District 12 (San Mateo/San Francisco) against incumbent Tom Lantos. "The Feb. 1 program started with a recitation from the Holy Qur’an and the Pledge of Allegiance of the United States. Reflecting on this day being 'a day of sacrifices' as Eid Al Adha is about the sacrifice of a father (the Prophet Abraham) and his son (Ishmael), Reshma Yunus spoke briefly on Muslims in America and the price that we need to pay for continued peace and prosperity and the efforts through political participation still needed to make a difference here."