Muslim Students Developing Stronger Presence on College Campuses

February 13, 2001

Source: The New York Times

On February 13, 2001, The New York Times published an article about Muslim students on college campuses. The article gave the example of Sarah Ibrahim, at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "a committed Muslim who covers her hair around men outside her family." Uncertain about what to do about all the male visitors to the women's shared suite, she ended up as "the only freshman with a single room in her all-woman dormitory...Now a sophomore, Ms. Ibrahim often cooks Islamically approved food, or halal, in the suite she shares with eight other women, three of them Muslim. Men are banned from the restroom on her floor...At Dartmouth College in Hanover, N.H., the first halal and kosher dining hall is scheduled to open this fall...Muslims are a diverse lot, with immigrants from Bosnia, Asia, Africa and the Persian Gulf praying shoulder to shoulder with American blacks and recent converts." The Muslim Students Association has 500 chapters throughout North America. "Yet Islam remains shrouded in mystery for many students, and Muslims often complain of stereotyping and discrimination."