Muslim-Americans and Others Face Scrutiny When Flying

August 28, 2002

Source: MSNBC

On August 28, 2002 MSNBC reported on the "interrogations, body searches and suspicious stares... [and other] indignities endured by air travelers of Arab, Middle Eastern, South Asian and even South American backgrounds... �The airlines deny they have engaged in racial profiling since the Sept. 11 hijack attacks, in which Islamic extremists struck at the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington... �Still, discriminations lawsuits are stacking up, filed by fliers outraged at what they considered to be abusive treatment... For the time being, Muslim and Arab-American fliers are making efforts to avoid drawing attention to themselves, said Sameer Abdelghani, owner of Rainbow Travel in Anaheim, Calif... Some Muslim fliers request no meal rather than asking for food prepared according to Muslim law, Abdelghani said. Others ask if their wives and daughters should remove head scarves when traveling. He advises them not to, saying they have nothing to be ashamed of. 'I’m very proud as an American citizen and a Muslim,' he said."