Minnesota's Northfield Buddhist Meditation

April 20, 2003

Source: Star Tribune

On April 20, 2003 the Star Tribune reported on "the Northfield Buddhist Meditation Center -- a plain, handsome room above a jewelry store on the main street in town... There, about two dozen people gather every Sunday to meditate, to reflect on the direction of their life, to focus on injustice in the world and to be silent, peaceful. They sit or kneel on black cushions in a stark white room... Two private colleges in this town of 17,000 people, about 45 minutes south of the Twin Cities [MN], ensure intellectual curiosity and activism in both religion and politics. And so, the Buddhist Meditation Center sits just down the hall from the local Quaker meeting, the Center for Sustainable Living, People for Peace and Goodwill, and the Fellowship of Reconciliation."