Local Baha'i Ring In a New Year

March 24, 2009

Author: Jennifer Johnson

Source: Park Ridge Herald-Advocate


As the calendar declared March 20 to be the start of a new season, local followers of the Baha'i faith also welcomed in a new year.

Gathering at the iconic Baha'i House of Worship in Wilmette for songs and prayer on March 21, Baha'is celebrated Naw-Ruz, an ancient new year festival originating in Iran, the birthplace of the Baha'i faith.

Naw-Ruz, which coincides with the vernal (spring) equinox, is one of the nine holiest days for Baha'is who believe in a unity among the major world religions and who consider Abraham, Moses, Krishna, Jesus Christ, Muhammad, Buddha and Zoroaster to be among God's messengers on Earth.

Naw-Ruz also marks the conclusion of 19 days of fasting and prayer that began on March 2.