Lender’s Woes Give N.H. Temple Hope

May 12, 2008


Source: India New England


The only Hindu temple in New Hampshire, which was evicted in January due to its alleged failure to make payments on a debt to a private lender, is not giving up hope of returning to its former home in the state.

While the case of the formerly Epping-based Saraswati Mandiram temple is still awaiting a hearing in the New Hampshire Supreme Court, the lender whom the temple allegedly failed to pay is now being investigated by securities regulators from at least six states, including New Hampshire, according to the deputy director of the New Hampshire Bureau of Securities Regulation Jeffrey Spill.

Although Spill declined to discuss the state’s investigation since it is ongoing, he said details about it might become public in two months. He also confirmed that several other parties in the state “in addition to the temple” have complaints with the lender.