Leaders Meet to Develop Plans for Worldwide Baha’i Community

December 28, 2005

Source: Baha'i World News Service


On December 28, 2005 the Baha'i World News Service reported, "[M]embers of the Continental Boards of Counsellors... [are meeting with] members of the Universal House of Justice, the International Teaching Centre, and... the Hand of the Cause of God Dr Ali-Muhammad Varqa [at the Baha'i World Centre]. The Continental Boards of Counsellors, an institution charged with promoting the propagation and protection of the Baha'i Faith, meet in Haifa every five years to discuss development plans for the worldwide Baha'i community. There are 81 Counsellors worldwide. The conference (December 27 - 31) is being followed by five days of meetings of the individual boards from the various continents."