Kerry's Call for "Works of Compassion," Citing Scripture, Draws Criticism from Bush

March 29, 2004

Source: Los Angeles Times,1,5725877.story?coll=la-headlines-elect2004

On March 29, 2004 the Los Angeles Times reported, "John F. Kerry delivered an emotional appeal for national unity at an African American church here Sunday, saying that random violence, hunger and joblessness required all Americans to be 'doers of the word and not hearers only.' The overtly spiritual appeal at New Northside Missionary Baptist Church by Kerry, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, brought shouts of approval from a congregation of about 350. But a spokesman for President Bush, Steve Schmidt, said Kerry's comments were 'beyond the bounds of acceptable discourse and a sad exploitation of scripture for political attack.' Kerry never mentioned Bush by name and targeted his call for more compassion and spiritual resolve only at 'our present national leadership.'"