Jewish and Muslim Organisations Join to Create European Platform for Co-operation

November 21, 2007

Author: Press Release

Source: A Jewish Contribuion to an Inclusive Europe

Driven by the desire to go beyond dialogue to confront prejudice and hatred within and towards their communities, European Jewish and Muslim grassroots organisations have joined to create a European Platform for Jewish Muslim Cooperation, to be launched at an event sponsored by Richard Howitt MEP at the European Parliament on 27 November. The Platform is a key outcome of the first European Conference on Jewish Muslim Dialogue held in April 2007. It was felt that, whilst dialogue is an important first step in bringing Jewish and Muslim communities together, it is essential to move beyond dialogue to co-operation, to show solidarity with each other and to build trust between the two communities. The Platform was set up to address these issues. The Platform launch will see the presentation of the results of research demonstrating positive approaches to Jewish Muslim dialogue and co-operation in Europe, examples of which will be on display at the event. Richard Howitt MEP, who is sponsoring the event, says ‘In the run up to 2008, European Year of Intercultural Dialogue, I am sure that the European Jewish Muslim Co-operation Platform will be a key tool in bringing together Jewish and Muslim communities, at all levels, to go beyond dialogue to actually working together with a spirit of co-operation and partnership. Too often we focus all our attention on difference and division, today we are working to forge and build alliance.’