Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers Affirms Religious Tolerance

June 21, 2006

Source: Azeri-Press Information Agency (APA)

On June 21, 2006 the Azeri-Press Information Agency (APA) reported, "The 33rd Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers (June 19-21) in the Azerbaijani capital, Baku, was over today. The session adopted 27-item Baku Deceleration: 'The challenges facing the humanity in the 21st century, in particular recent threats confronting Islam compel us to further unite around our values and to display solidarity, and we reiterate our devotion to the noble ideas of humanism, racial and religious tolerance. We support the continuation of reforms in the economic, social and cultural areas, as well as in the spheres of democratization, transparency and strengthening the role of civil society in the OIC member states and consider it important to protect cultural, religious and racial diversity. The diversity must not be a source of conflict but rather a source of mutual enrichment and dialogue among religions and civilizations. We strongly condemn terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, express deep sympathy with and support for the countries that feel victims to terrorist attacks, and denounce as groundless any attempts to link terrorism with any religion, culture ands people as this global scourge does not have any religious or national affiliation,' the declaration reads."