"Interfaith Week" Begins in Salt Lake City

February 7, 2006

Source: BYU News Net


On February 7, 2006 Brigham Young University News Net reported, "Seated around a table enjoying lunch, a Muslim Imam, dressed in long robes, sat next to a distinguished choir director in a gray suit from the Greek Orthodox Church. Next to them a lively nun with a bright Irish lilt made chitchat with her neighbor, a Pagan High Priestess with barely visible tattoos and vivid green jewelry. All of these individuals share one thing in common - they are members of the Salt Lake Interfaith Roundtable... For the last four years these and other religious leaders have organized an annual 'Interfaith Week' celebrated with discussions, forums and a concert 'honoring the human spirit.' The luncheon and press conference on Monday, Feb. 6, 2006, started the week of events and helped to clarify the mission of the organization - continued cooperation and dialogue between faiths in Utah... The group first started it by providing chaplain services to the thousands of athletes that lived in the Olympic Village during the 2002 Salt Lake games... After the games were over the religious leaders that had come together in a spirit of cooperation and fellowship wanted to continue their involvement with one another. Since then, they have worked on being liaisons between different religious organizations and the media to promote understanding."