Interfaith Understanding Goal of Many 9/11 Memorial Events

September 6, 2002

Source: The San Diego Union-Tribune

On September 6, 2002 The San Diego Union-Tribune reported that on September 11, 2002, "bells will toll, prayers will be uttered and the names of some of the more than 3,000 killed will be recited at houses of worship and interfaith community gatherings across the country. It will be a time for those across and beyond the religious realm to remember, each in his or her own way... A number of religious groups, including the Council on American-Islamic Relations and the National Council of Churches, have laid out very specific online instructions to their associated congregations on how to hold open houses to welcome people of a different faith during the anniversary period... Ibrahim Hooper, spokesman for the Islamic advocacy group, said the dozens of open houses, lectures and interfaith activities planned by mosques and Islamic organizations intend to be a symbolic reminder that the U.S. Muslim community is a part of American society just as are other groups... The Rev. Jay Rock, interfaith relations director of the National Council of Churches, said the events – from Setauket, N.Y., to Tulsa, Okla. – are designed to bridge the gaps between communities in America that he's learned have extremely little knowledge of each other."