An Interfaith Commitment for Peace

January 23, 2009

Author: Staff Writer

Source: Richmond Times Dispatch

We, members and leaders of the Muslim, Jewish, and Christian communities in the Greater Richmond area - all having deep and symbolic ties to the land and peoples of the Middle East - are anguished by the events unfolding in Israel and Gaza. Recognizing the legitimate needs of all peoples, including all those living in the Middle East, for dignity, peace, safety and security –- regardless of religion, race, or national origin—we issue this joint statement with the hope and belief that our interfaith voices will be heard clearly, above the noise of war. We would like our Richmond community to hear our prayers and our collective call for peace.

We realize, that often what is “not said” can be just as hurtful as what is actually said. Silence at these times can contribute to misunderstanding, distrust and tension. We refuse to be reduced to powerless spectators. We are committed to speaking together for justice and peace when silence is hurtful. We in the Richmond region, Jews, Christians and Muslims want to be modeling positive relationships here, and hoping that pattern offers a way forward over there.