If Elected, Liberal Party Vows to Repeal Religious Portion of Tolerance Act

August 10, 2006

Source: The Age


On August 10, 2006 The Age reported, "The state Liberal Party yesterday adopted its fourth position in four days on religious hatred laws — not to have a policy before the November election. Shadow attorney-general Andrew McIntosh said the party would repeal the religious section of the 'fundamentally flawed' Racial and Religious Tolerance Act, but he could not say until the Liberals were in government what, if anything, they would replace it with. On Friday, the Liberals' policy was the same as the Nationals — deleting the religious provisions of the act. On Monday, after shadow cabinet met, Mr McIntosh said they would keep the act but fine-tune it, and on Tuesday, he told a rally at Parliament they would not repeal the act but rewrite it. Yesterday, he said the Liberals would certainly repeal the religious provisions. They might then rewrite them, they might do nothing, or they might amend other acts, such as the incitement provisions of the Crimes Act or the Sentencing Act."