Houston Suburb Faces Plans for Exclusive Christian Memorial on September 11

July 19, 2002

Source: The Houston Chronicle

On July 19, 2002 The Houston Chronicle reported that "an effort by evangelical Christians to commemorate the tragedy of 9/11 in The Woodlands has split the religious community and led to accusations of intolerance in this suburban area north of Houston, [Texas]... Critics of the memorial service on the anniversary date accuse its organizers of implicitly stigmatizing the Muslim community... and of monopolizing the logical venue for a commemoration that would embrace all faiths... Rabbi James Brandt of the Congregation Beth Shalom [said]... �'We have explained to them (the evangelical churches) the importance of coming together for a national day of mourning... But... they clearly have refused to honor this day by coming together as a community...

���My concern is that... it excludes Muslims and sends an implicit message that 9/11 was a tragedy perpetrated by Muslims against Christians,' Brandt said... Interfaith of The Woodlands... decided separately to conduct its own 9/11 commemoration."