Hindu Society Holds Memorial For Mumbai Attacks

December 1, 2008

Author: Chris Cowperthwaite

Source: NBC17


As part of tradition, Hindus pray for 11 days for the souls of people who've died.

Because of that, the Hindu society's temple has been busy in the wake of last week's terrorist attacks in Mumbai.

"Sanity should prevail, and we're terribly saddened," said Roop Wokhlu. "I can't tell you how many times I wept while all this was going on."

For the most part, people have come in whenever it was convenient; leaders felt it was important, though, to get together as a community, and planned something different for this morning.

The Hindu Society usually doesn't do big memorial services, but close to 100 people turned out for just that purpose.

"It's so important because we are so far from our country we can't immediately help people over there," said Twinkle Gupta. "So it's important to offer each other support while here."

The mostly-Indian crowd offered prayers for those killed as well as the terrorists responsible for the attack.