Hindu Home Rises

March 12, 2009

Author: Bethany Bray

Source: The Andover Townsman


Visitors to the Chinmaya Maruti center on Route 28 will soon be able to climb more than spiritual heights.

The Hindu worship and education center, the only Chinmaya Mission in New England, is in the middle of a $3.5 million construction project that will add two floors. It will also more than double the center's size, adding 13 classrooms, a 275-capacity auditorium, apartments for religious leaders and a copper-plated dome and steeple.

They knew it was time to expand when close to 400 children in religious education classes were meeting in hallways and even in two unfinished restrooms, converted to makeshift classrooms, said Chinmaya member and Andover resident Gopala Dwarakanath.

"I am excited because the building is going to be beautiful. But the philosophy is equally beautiful, of tolerance, understanding and multiple beliefs living together — some thing the worlds needs right now," said Desh Deshpande, the center's chairman.