Hindu-Christian Dialog Turns Out One-Sided

October 15, 2007


Source: India New England Online


WALTHAM, MA – Approximately 60 people crowded into the ground floor of a local church on a recent Saturday for one of the first Hindu-Christian dialogues in the area, but nobody from the Hindu community showed up.

Boston Bengali Church Pastor Paul Biswas, a Hindu convert to Christianity who organized the event, said he sent email invitations on two different occasions to 15 Massachusetts Hindu temples and societies, but had not heard back from any of them.

“Maybe they’re busy, or maybe they have no interest, who knows,” he said.

The two Hindu panelists were alone in a room of white-American Christians, East-Asian Christians, and South Asian converts to Christianity in Waltham’s Hope International Church on Saturday, Sept. 22, as they answered questions in a discussion that quickly turned into a debate over which religion is better.