Hindu American Foundation Condemns Defamation of Hinduism in San Francisco Chronicle

June 30, 2005

Source: Hindu American Foundation


On June 30, 2005 the Hindu American Foundation wrote a letter to the Editor of the San Francisco Chronicle reacting to the following statement made in a June 30th column by Jon Carroll: "In the conservative Hindu belief system that has been sweeping India for a decade, rape is considered a just punishment for various forms of misbehavior." Swaminathan Venkataraman of the HAF Executive Council writes, "The Hindu American Foundation takes strong exception to Jon Carroll's sweeping misstatement about Hinduism... While Hindu women, like their sisters worldwide in other societies, do face social problems, no Hindu scripture or Hindu religious leader has condoned rape. Rather, most have been vehemently outspoken about crimes against women. In fact, Hinduism is one religion that worships God in the feminine aspect as well and Hindu women today lead businesses, worldwide spiritual movements, and politics. In this time of significant global religious conflict when understanding and tolerance are the need of the hour, it is completely irresponsible for the author to peddle such outright falsehoods. Hindu values, conservative or liberal, have never considered rape a just punishment for any crime. To assert that Hindus condone this heinous crime is ignorant at best, and malicious at worst."