Halloween 2003: Celebrations and Spirituality

October 31, 2003

Source: The Washington Post


On October 31, 2003 The Washington Post reported on a new book on Wiccans that applies social science techniques and unearths certain demographic patterns. "Typically, Wiccans are white, college-educated and middle class, according to 'Voices from the Pagan Census: A National Survey of Witches and Neo-Pagans in the United States,' which polled 2,000 believers. They are students (the most-popular occupation) and computer analysts (No. 2) and writers (No. 3) and housewives (No. 4). They are witches who, noted Publisher's Weekly in a review, 'tend to hold liberal views and be politically active, especially on environmental issues. They are more likely than the average American to have had a paranormal or magical experience and more likely to invoke quantum mechanics and string theory to explain it. They are broadly supportive of alternative lifestyles and sexualities, and tend to approve of group marriage, in theory if not in practice; but they split over the propriety of sex between spiritual teachers and students.' Three-fourths of them embrace the term "witch." Overall, about one-third are men."