Habitat Homes Built by Diverse Communities

September 19, 2003

Source: The Atlanta Journal and Constitution


On September 19, 2003 The Atlanta Journal and Constitution reported that "a diverse community of the faithful picked up hammers, nails and paint brushes in Smyrna on Saturday to build a home for an Iranian immigrant family. Most of the more than 50 volunteers from Cobb County churches, a synagogue and a mosque worked on the Habitat for Humanity project... Some who took part in the project Saturday said their volunteer sweat was also a statement of unity, a common bond in the midst of the discord laid bare by terrorism in America. Imam Amjad Taufique, who leads a Marietta mosque, said he received hate-filled voice messages after the attacks in New York and Washington. He said he also got calls from two women, one Jewish, the other Christian, who offered their homes as safe places and volunteered to accompany Muslim women on errands."