Government Acknowledges Using Patriot Act in Mayfield Case

March 29, 2005

Source: The Oregonian

On March 29, 2005 The Oregonian reported, "FBI agents used provisions of the USA Patriot Act during their investigation last year of a Portland attorney who was wrongly jailed for two weeks on suspicion of involvement in the Madrid train bombings, according to a Justice Department letter.

The Patriot Act allows for covert searches of homes, without conventional search warrants.

Brandon Mayfield was jailed last May after his fingerprint was incorrectly matched to one found on a bag of detonators near the scene of the Madrid attack, which killed 191 people. He was released after the FBI admitted its mistake.

Mayfield, a Muslim convert, has filed a lawsuit against the U.S. government, contending his rights were violated by his arrest and by the investigation against him. He also contents the Patriot Act is unconstitutional."