Finding Faith: Pagans Explore Spirituality

January 24, 2010

Author: Rachel Hare

Source: Carroll County Times

Jennifer Harvilak had a normal wedding. She and her husband were married outside at a pond they had frequented when they were dating. She wore a white gown. The couple exchanged wedding bands and vows they had written.

But before the ceremony, the Westminster couple had been peppered with bizarre questions.

Would there be any unusual rituals? Would the readings be sacrilegious? Would there be animal sacrifices?

Aside from the minister, Harvilak and her husband, Kurt, were the only two pagans who attended the wedding, and they faced many fears and reservations from their guests.

It is a common problem for Harvilak: When people do not understand her religion, many defer to Hollywood for an explanation.

“We can’t move furniture with our minds, we can’t change into wolves, we can’t change our eye color,” Harvilak enumerated with a roll of her eyes. “Hollywood is our biggest enemy.”