Editorial: Immigrants on the Front Lines

March 28, 2003

Source: Chicago Tribune


On March 28, 2003 the Chicago Tribune printed an editorial stating that "it's not widely known that of the 1.4 million people on active duty in the U.S. military, more than 60,000 are immigrants. About half of those immigrant soldiers are not U.S. citizens. They are grateful to be here, grateful for what America has done for them, and they have volunteered to serve on behalf of their adopted country... The months since Sept. 11 have not been kind to many of the immigrants in the U.S. The terrorists were foreign-born and, as a result, public suspicion and some legislative action has been targeted at the immigrant population. Some of the responses were overdue, such as tightening border security and the monitoring of immigrants who hold student visas in the U.S."