Editorial Addresses Criticisms of Interfaith Events and an Alternative

August 4, 2002

Source: The Providence Journal-Bulletin

On August 4, 2002 The Providence Journal-Bulletin featured an editorial response by Charles Haynes, of the First Amendment Center, to recent criticisms of Interfaith events. "In the long shadow of Sept. 11, Americans are rediscovering what most of the world has never forgotten: religious differences matter... In reality, for most Jews, Christians, Muslims and others, it does matter what you believe... Ignoring religious differences doesn't work... [The] alternative is for Americans to address religious differences honestly and civilly - while simultaneously ensuring that people of all faiths or none are treated fairly in the public square... We can do this if, and only if, we take the First Amendment seriously. That means first and foremost affirming that religious liberty is an inalienable right for every person."