Democratic Candidate Lieberman Speaks About Religion and Freedom

January 8, 2004

Source: The Miami Herald

On January 8, 2004 The Miami Herald reported, "Of the Democratic candidates, Lieberman is the one most likely to discuss faith and the role it should play in daily life, and he's one of the few to support government funding for faith-based service organizations. In a recent speech in Portsmouth, N.H., Lieberman spoke about his Judaism and faith in general. He said America should embrace religious diversity in the face of a terrorist threat. 'It is all the more important for us as individuals to reaffirm our faith and for us as Americans to reaffirm our birthright of religious freedom,' he said. 'To embrace the diversity that is our unique strength as a nation. To celebrate the pluralism that characterizes this season. And to honor the constructive role that faith in all its forms plays in our families, our communities and our country.'"