Defense Department Chaplain Services Directing Personnel to Radical Web Sites

June 29, 2003

Source: The Washington Post

On June 29, 2003 The Washington Post reported that "some Defense Department chaplain services have been directing military personnel to a Web site that promotes material from radical Muslim jihadists, including two Saudis who have been identified as Osama bin Laden's spiritual advisers... The chaplains' service Web sites for the Navy and the Air Force refer sailors and airmen interested in learning more about Islam to, a Web site that provides links to the lectures of fundamentalist clerics, some of whom advocate jihad against the United States and Israel... Although the number of Muslim chaplains in the military is small, some officials are concerned that only Sunni Muslims have been appointed and that they are selected by two Muslim organizations that tolerate hard-line views. The situation is similar to complaints from some segments of the Muslim community that chaplains who espouse a strict brand of Islam have come to dominate the ranks of prison chaplains. That situation has gained the attention of the FBI and other law enforcement agencies concerned that prisons are a breeding ground for extremists."

See also: Islam, Military