Church Apologizes to Sikh Family

June 19, 2009

Author: Neil Corbett

Source: Abbotsford News

The family that was denied access to Sevenoaks Alliance Church for a Sikh funeral ceremony has received an apology from the church for the way the issue was handled.

Jim Braich said church officials met with him and “offered a formal apology – for the impact on our family, and what we went through.”

Braich, who describes himself as a “non-traditional Sikh” said he has no desire to publicly debate a religious matter.

“That’s how wars start,” he quipped.

He originally called Sevenoaks on June 5 and booked the church for his father Jasmer’s (Sher) funeral. Sher had passed away the day before.

Jim’s western-sounding name did not register with the church as belonging to a Sikh.

However, when officials found out that Sikh prayers would be said in their house of worship, they declined the rental.