CFMT (OMNI) Apologizes for Jimmy Swaggart's Remarks Against Islam

November 26, 2002

Source: CAIR-CAN [Council on American-Islamic Relations-Canada]

On November 26, 2002 CAIR-CAN [Council on American-Islamic Relations-Canada] released a statement "asking Canadians to thank CFMT (OMNI) for their unqualified apology regarding recent statements made by Televangelist Jimmy Swaggart. CAIR-CAN filed a CRTC complaint on November 16th, 2002 regarding a November 10 broadcast by televangelist Jimmy Swaggart on CFMT (OMNI) in which Swaggart slandered Prophet Muhammed, called for the expulsion of Muslim students in the U.S., demanded the profiling of passengers with a 'diaper on their head' and suggested violence against Muslims." In their apology, CFMT said, "'Each and every Swaggart programme will be previewed, second by second, and if we feel that it breeches good sense toward the broad diversity of Canadians, it will not air.'"