Celebrating Krishna’s Birthday in CA

September 8, 2004

Source: Modesto Bee


On September 8, 2004 Modesto Bee reported, "the Hindu swami [Kamal Das Ji] broke into English during his sermon [to say Happy Birthday], but the point was made for the three dozen Hindus and one Christian guest who had gathered at the Luv Kush Ashram — a Hindu temple in Modesto. They were there to celebrate Janam Astami, or the arrival of Krishna more than 5,000 years ago. It’s often referred to as Krishna’s birthday... Among the many ornate pictures, dozens of flower arrangements, rugs and incense holders, there was a balloon in the temple that simply said 'Happy Birthday.' Nand Lal, another Hindu follower who lives in the Modesto area, said Krishna’s 'birth' is just one of many Hindu celebrations held each year. However, the name Krishna is well-known even among non-Hindus, he said, and thus gets more attention in the media."